Custom Rollups

Align enables administrators to create custom rollup metrics to display in the Territory Information Bar. This enables administrators to create and display any relevant custom rollup metrics.

For example, the Align admin wants to display the total prescription (TRx) sales for Cholecap among Segment A targets. The Align admin creates a Custom Rollup of Cholecap TRx data in the proper territory for Segment A targets and places the field representing the metric on the page layout. Cholecap TRx data now displays in the proper record, so the information is quickly referenced.

Custom rollup metrics are supported on the territory and geography objects, and can be created based on information from the following objects:

  • mc_cycle_plan__aln
  • product_metric__aln
  • account__aln


To create a custom rollup filter:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration page on the Align Admin tab.
  2. Select the either territory__aln or geography__aln from the list of objects.
  3. Select the Fields tab.
  4. Create a new Number type field. This field represents the new metric.
  5. Navigate to the Custom Rollup Rules page on the Align Admin tab.
  6. Select Create.
  7. Populate the following fields to initialize the rollup:

    • Name__v
    • Source_object__aln – Picklist with all supported objects
    • Source_field__aln – Picklist with all Number-type fields on the selected object
    • Operator__aln – Picklist with the following values:
    • Distinct Sum – Sum of unique values. Values from duplicate records are ignored.
    • Distinct Count – Count of unique records. Duplicate records are ignored.
    • Mean
    • If Count Distinct is selected as the operator, the source_field__aln field automatically defaults to id.

    • Target_field__aln – Select the field created in Step 1
  8. Populate the Rules Criteria section with the appropriate rollup rules.
  9. Select Save.
  10. Navigate to the Territory Metrics Fields Align Setting.
  11. Add the field created in Step 1 to the Territory Metrics Fields field with the following format:

    • territory__aln.custom_field_name

A Custom Rollup metric can be activated and deactivated by selecting the gear icon on the appropriate Custom Rollup Rules detail page.

Metrics recalculate automatically after the following events:

  • Pulling from Veeva CRM
  • Data Loading
  • Assignment Preview

The last_run_datetime__aln field automatically stamps when the metric was last recalculated.

Example: Total Sales Potential of a Territory

For example, the Align administrator wants to create a new rollup metric that represents the total sales potential of a territory. To do this:

  1. Create a new Number type field on the territory__aln object named Total_Sales_Potential.
  2. Create a new Rollup Rule.
  3. Populate the following fields in the Details section:

    • Name – Total Sales Potential
    • Operator – Sum Distinct
    • Source Object – Account
    • Source Field – Sales_Potential
    • Target Object – Territory
    • Target Field – Total_Sales_Potential
  4. Populate the first criterion with the following information:

    • Field – is Person
    • Operator – Equals
    • Value – Yes
  5. Select the Add Criteria button and populate the second criterion with the following information:

    • Field – Specialty (Any)
    • Operator – in
    • Value:
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • Interventional Cardiology
    • Pediatric Cardiology
    • Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
    • Nuclear Cardiology
  6. Populate the Account Logic field with (1 AND 2).

The screenshot below depicts a custom rollup of the Sales_Potential__aln field on the Account__aln object. The operator Sum Distinct means that all accounts are counted once, even if they are in the same territory or parent territory more than once. The sum only includes accounts with one of the included specialties. The total sum stamps on the custom Total_Sales_Potential field on the Territory__aln object.

Example: Number of Segment A Cardiologists in Zip code

For example, the Align administrator wants to create a new rollup metric representing the number of Segment A cardiologists in a geography. To do this:

  1. Create a new Number type field on the geography__aln object named segment_a_cardiologist__c.
  2. Create a new Rollup Rule.
  3. Populate the following fields in the Details section:

    • Name – Cardiologists by Zip Code
    • Operator – Count Distinct
    • Source Object – Account
    • Source Field – id
    • Target Object – Geography
    • Target Field – segment_a_cardiologist__c
  4. Navigate to the Account Criteria section.
  5. Populate the first criterion with the following information:

    • Field –Specialty (Any)
    • Operator – in
    • Value – Cardiology, Cardiovascular Disease
  6. Select the Add Criteria button and populate the second criterion with the following information:

    • Field – Segment
    • Operator – equals
    • Value – A
  7. Populate the Account Logic field with (1 AND 2).
  8. Navigate to the Address Criteria section.
  9. Populate the criterion with the following information:

    • Field – Postal Code
    • Operator – matches geography's name

The screenshot below depicts this custom rollup. The operator Count Distinct means that all accounts are counted once, even if they are in the same geography or parent geography more than once. The count only includes accounts with one of the included specialties with a segment of A. The total count stamps on the custom segment_a_cardiologist__c field on the geography__aln object.