Territory Metrics in the Assignment Preview

Align administrators can review territory metrics from the assignment preview. This enables administrators to make business decisions regarding the assignment based on the change in territory metrics across assignments.

For example, the Align administrator configures territory metrics displaying the Total HCPs, Total Targets, and Segment A Cardio territory metrics. The administrator runs an assignment preview and reviews these territory metrics for each new territory in the assignment.


To enable territory metrics in the assignment preview, ensure all desired Territory Metrics are defined.


To display territory metrics in the assignment preview, enable the Show Territory Metrics toggle.

The Show Territory Metrics toggle is disabled if metrics are not defined.

The territory metrics display in the Assignment Preview table to the right of the Overall Total column. Each defined territory metric displays as a section with two columns:

  • Preview – The total of the metric in the preview
  • Change – The change between the preview metrics and the current assignment metrics

Territory metrics can be exported by selecting the Export Results button.